Monday, December 19, 2011

Why Blogs are Fun (..and totally NOT hard work)

Everyone has a blog.  Well maybe not everyone, but everyone has the ability to make a blog.  Even those without a computer can go into their local library, use the public computer, and make time to post once a week.  And there are blogs about EVERYTHING.

So my sisters and I decided to give it a go.  We had no concrete ideas on what to do with it.  We just saw many of the offerings in the 'blogoshpere' and knew we could make something better than that (yay clever title reference).  My sisters and I have for many years bandied about the idea of being a creative collective working towards some end- a book, a manga, an animated series, etc etc.  Mostly, our lack of focus and distance from each other gets in the way of that idea, but now, Jessica (one of the two sisters I mentioned) has found a drive to make something happen, and I'm going to do my best to accommodate.

So here it is, our collective blog, featuring works and contributions from all three of us, Jessica, Rachel, and myself, Alec.   We're not sure exactly what the focus will be, but, hopefully, after some time it will gel into a cohesive and regular part of the week for our readers.  Here's to the future!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes! Hee hee, I'm so excited this is happening! I'll be making my first post later tonight.
